Welcome to Chesapeake


You belong here.
Just as you are.

Visit Sunday

Sunday | 9A & 11A

What to expect from your
visit to Chesapeake church:

    • A warm welcome from our friendly community.
    • Meaningful, energizing worship that lasts about an hour.
    • A clear, uncompromising presentation of Biblical truths.
    • Your kids talking about how they can’t wait to come back.

Worship at Chesapeake Church

Our service begins with worship through music, led by our live band. You might see some people raise their hands during the music, and you can participate (or not) in whatever way you’re most comfortable.

After worship one of our pastors teaches a clear, engaging message from the Bible. Often, our services include a live drama or video to help bring the teaching to life. Our service ends with a prayer from the pastor.


We know it’s no fun to drive around looking for a place to park. Our parking team will direct you to an open spot.


Dress however you’d like. You’ll see a little bit of everything – from super casual to dresses and ties. Most of us
wear jeans, if that helps.


 Bring a Bible if you have one. If not, we’ll give you one to keep! You’ll also see plenty of people using mobile apps to look up scripture and even take notes during the sermon.

We’re Here for your Kids

If you’re imagining having to drag your kids to church, you can let that worry go. Kids have the time of their lives in our high-energy, full-volume Children’s Ministry right down the hall!

On your first visit, stop by our Children’s LINK 15 minutes before service begins. That way, we can give your family a tour, walk you through our secure check-in system, and answer your questions. You’re also welcome to pre-register.

We feel honored to help kids know and love Jesus, and we can’t wait to meet your family.

We encourage middle- and high-school students to worship with their families on Sundays and return for Journey Nights during the week.

We’re Here for your Kids

If you’re imagining having to drag your kids to church, you can let that worry go. Kids have the time of their lives in our high-energy, full-volume Children’s Ministry right down the hall!

On your first visit, stop by our Children’s LINK 15 minutes before service begins. That way, we can give your family a tour, walk you through our secure check-in system, and answer your questions. You’re also welcome to pre-register.

We feel honored to help kids know and love Jesus, and we can’t wait to meet your family.

We encourage middle- and high-school students to worship with their families on Sundays and return for Journey Nights during the week.

More Common Questions

Do you take an offering?

We do collect an offering, but we think about it differently than you might be used to. We don’t take an offering; people make an offering. We see it as our opportunity to give back a portion of God’s blessings.

If you’re new to Chesapeake, please don’t feel any pressure to give. Your presence in our worship service is gift enough.

Is there an altar call?

Some churches invite people to come forward during the service if they want to give their life to Christ. Although we don’t do a formal altar call, our prayer team is available after every service to talk and pray with anyone who would like to commit their life to Jesus Christ.

Do you offer communion?

We offer Communion on the second Sunday of every month.

You need not be a member of Chesapeake Church to celebrate communion with us. The only requirement is you have a saving faith relationship with Christ. You should also have no previous outstanding offense hindering your relationship with Christ or with other believers.

If you are not yet a Christian, you are welcome to observe with us, yet the Bible urges you to refrain from taking communion until you have made a personal decision to accept Jesus as your Savior (1 Corinthians 11:27-33).

What do you believe?

Learn about our beliefs here. Know you’re welcome at Chesapeake even if you have questions about what we believe.

Do you offer Baptism?

Yes! Publicly celebrating people’s decision to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ is our deepest honor. Learn more about baptism at Chesapeake Church.

How can I get involved?

We love this question! Visit CONNECT, where you can learn how to meet people and get involved with one of our serve teams.