Family Sunday

When the disciples didn’t consider children worthy of Jesus’ time and attention He sharply rebuked them and personally invited the children to come to Him. Jesus makes that same invitation every single day to every single child! As a church family, therefore, we want to create intentional times to invite all our children into corporate worship and celebrate, all together, how by His grace Chesapeake Church is a family of families of all shapes and sizes!

Nathan Laborie - February 14, 2021

Revolutionary Love

Matthew 5:38 - 48 - So, you show kindness to your friends? You love someone who loves you back? Big deal. According to Jesus , anybody can do that. So He takes it up a notch. Jesus taught that we're called to love our enemies. But here's the real catch. It's not for us, and not even for them, but for Him. It's His reputation on the line, not ours. It was revolutionary then and it's still as revolutionary today.

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