Family Sunday

When the disciples didn’t consider children worthy of Jesus’ time and attention He sharply rebuked them and personally invited the children to come to Him. Jesus makes that same invitation every single day to every single child! As a church family, therefore, we want to create intentional times to invite all our children into corporate worship and celebrate, all together, how by His grace Chesapeake Church is a family of families of all shapes and sizes!

Nathan Fair - May 28, 2023

By Faith

At some point we must all bridge the gap between what we can see and understand and the longing in our souls that tells us there's more than meets the eye. Scripture is filled with people who trusted a God they could not see and took actions they didn't understand. What would lead people to live like that? How can we find ourselves walking in their footsteps?

Scripture References: Hebrews 11:1-40, Hebrews 12:1-29

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