Family Sunday

When the disciples didn’t consider children worthy of Jesus’ time and attention He sharply rebuked them and personally invited the children to come to Him. Jesus makes that same invitation every single day to every single child! As a church family, therefore, we want to create intentional times to invite all our children into corporate worship and celebrate, all together, how by His grace Chesapeake Church is a family of families of all shapes and sizes!

Kristin Galemore - May 8, 2022

Mother's Day & Communion

These days, it's popular to want to homestead and become homebodies. With the way culture is moving, it almost seems like the right choice. But the Bible is clear, this is not our home. So, what does that mean for motherhood and our families? How should we be guiding our children? If we are going to raise homebodies, let's make sure they are homebodies of the right HOME, their eternal home, heaven.

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