Family Sunday

When the disciples didn’t consider children worthy of Jesus’ time and attention He sharply rebuked them and personally invited the children to come to Him. Jesus makes that same invitation every single day to every single child! As a church family, therefore, we want to create intentional times to invite all our children into corporate worship and celebrate, all together, how by His grace Chesapeake Church is a family of families of all shapes and sizes!

Curtis Hunnicutt - September 5, 2021

What About Murderers, Rapists, and Child Molesters?

But what about people who do terrible, hurtful things? Surely it's okay to not love THOSE people, right? People who have deeply hurt you or someone you love. People who have forever altered a life, or have even taken a life. People who do or have done things that are so sick, so twisted, so despicable - so unforgivable - how could there be any beauty in loving them at all?

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