Family Sunday

When the disciples didn’t consider children worthy of Jesus’ time and attention He sharply rebuked them and personally invited the children to come to Him. Jesus makes that same invitation every single day to every single child! As a church family, therefore, we want to create intentional times to invite all our children into corporate worship and celebrate, all together, how by His grace Chesapeake Church is a family of families of all shapes and sizes!

Nathan Fair - January 5, 2025

On A Mission Together

Luke 5:1-11, 27-32 | After returning from 40 days in the desert, Jesus began His ministry by choosing 12 disciples-not the elite or most religious, but ordinary men who felt overlooked. Yet, He called them to change the world. Like those disciples, we don't need to be scholars or come from spiritual families to follow Jesus. He asks us to love Him, love His people, and reach the lost. As we launch into 2025, let's embrace this incredible mission of making disciples and sharing His love!

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