In the Christian tradition, Advent is a time of the year where, as Christmas nears, we take time for self-reflection and repentance. We think of Jesus’ promise to one day return and consummate His Kingdom and we ask ourselves, “Are we ready?”. Only, then, in prayer and the study of God’s Word do we find hope, faith, joy, and peace as we celebrate and look forward to the second coming.

Nathan Fair - May 28, 2023

By Faith

At some point we must all bridge the gap between what we can see and understand and the longing in our souls that tells us there's more than meets the eye. Scripture is filled with people who trusted a God they could not see and took actions they didn't understand. What would lead people to live like that? How can we find ourselves walking in their footsteps?

Scripture References: Hebrews 11:1-40, Hebrews 12:1-29

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