At some point we must all bridge the gap between what we can see and understand and the longing in our souls that tells us there’s more than meets the eye. Scripture is filled with people who trusted a God they could not see and took actions they didn’t understand. What would lead people to live like that? How can we find ourselves walking in their footsteps?

Larry Patin - June 12, 2022

It's Supernatural

Supernatural Giving is when we invite God into our offering. This type of generosity usually surrounds a pledge campaign, or meeting a very special and specific need for someone else. Having identified our normal giving, then having identified the specific things we would sacrifice for Him - we now humbly and prayerfully ask God to speak to us and tell us He wants us to be generous beyond that figure, because we believe He will work supernaturally in our lives to make that number happen. We don't act recklessly. We think and pray as a family and come to unity. And then, watch God make it happen. Watch God intervene in our lives.

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