Welcome To Chesapeake Church

Honduras Missions



seeing people the way god sees people

Life change happens through relationships.

As a church, our outlook on mission may be different than what you’re used to. When we began looking at how our church would impact our world, it was very important for us to do it in one place. Rather than “adding pins to a map” we believed God was calling us to a place. A place where we could get to know the people, visit them often, and grow roots.

Honduras is where God led our church. Through our partnership with Honduras Compassion Partners, we carry out the command in Mark, “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” by serving the people of La Paz.

all people matter to god


To help the poor and underprivileged of Honduras become self-sufficient.


For the poor and underprivileged in Honduras to gain self-sufficiency, healthy living, and dignity.


“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
MARK 16:15

What we Do

Ministry Features

all people matter to god

Find your place & purpose.